
Data-Driven Design of Reactive Technologies: Case Studies In Energy Storage.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith.
ACS Spring Meeting (Invited Talk).
Mechanistic Insights Into Electrolyte Decomposition During Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis from Machine-Learning Interatomic Potentials.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Andrew Timmins, and Rachel C. Kurchin.
ACS Spring Meeting.
Towards Rational Design of Sustainable Technologies with Data-Enabled Reactive Simulations.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Andrew Timmins, and Rachel C. Kurchin.
Symposium on Responsible and Sustainable AI.
Towards Data-Driven Analysis of Sustainable Electrochemical Reactions.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith.
Bosch Research and Technology Center Seminar (Invited Talk).
Chemical Reaction Network Machine Learning (CRN-ML): A Frontier for Reactivity Studies.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith.
AIMED Workshop on Heterogeneous Catalysis (Invited Poster).
Datasets to Drive Practical Chemical Data Science.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith.
Gordon Research Conference in Computational Chemistry.
Challenging Molecular Machine Learning with Datasets of Ions and Radicals.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Kareem Hegazy, Matthew Avaylon, Santiago Vargas, Orion A. Cohen, Michael W. Mahoney, Talita Perciano, Kristin A. Persson, and Samuel M. Blau.
Gordon Research Seminar in Computational Chemistry (Invited Talk).
Using Networks to Obtain Mechanistic Understanding in Electrochemistry.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith.
Materials Science and Engineering Rising Stars Colloquium Series (Invited Talk).
Rational Design of Sustainable Chemical Solutions with Reaction Networks and Data Science.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith.
AIChE Annual Meeting.
Explaining Gas Evolution Mechanisms in Mg-Ion Batteries with Chemical Reaction Networks.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Samuel M. Blau, Daniel Barter, Noel J. Leon, Nathan T. Hahn, Nikita S. Redkar, Kevin R. Zavadil, Chen Liao, and Kristin A. Persson.
AIChE Annual Meeting.
MPcules: an open and accessible database of molecular properties in the Materials Project.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Orion Cohen, Samuel M. Blau, Jason M. Munro, Ryan Kingsbury, Rishabh D. Guha, Hetal D. Patel, Sudarshan Vijay, Ruoxi Yang, Patrick Huck, Matthew K. Horton, and Kristin A. Persson.
ACS Fall 2023 Meeting.
Revealing the decomposition mechanisms of lithium hexafluorophosphate in battery electrolytes and interphases by first-principles simulations.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Thea Bee Petrocelli, Hetal D. Patel, Samuel M. Blau, and Kristin A. Persson.
ACS Spring 2023 Meeting.
Explaining Battery Electrolyte Decomposition With Chemical Reaction Networks.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Daniel Barter, Ronald L. Kam, Chen Liao, Samuel M. Blau, and Kristin A. Persson.
Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative Energy Summit.
Leveraging quantum chemistry and reaction networks to explore electrochemical cascades.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith.
Pitzer Center for Theoretical Chemistry Seminar Series.
Leveraging big data and chemical reaction networks to explore and explain electrochemistry.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith.
ChemE Future Faculty Seminar Series.
A General Mechanistic Model of Early Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Formation in Lithium-ion Batteries.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Ronald L. Kam, Daniel Barter, Julian Self, Xiaowei Xie, Tingzheng Hou, Shyam Dwaraknath, Samuel M. Blau, and Kristin A. Persson.
Gordon Research Conference in Electrochemistry.
Towards a Mechanistic Explanation for Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formation and Evolution in Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Ronald L. Kam, Daniel Barter, Xiaowei Xie, Tingzheng Hou, Shyam Dwaraknath, Samuel M. Blau, and Kristin A. Persson.
American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry.
Towards a Mechanistic Explanation for Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formation and Evolution in Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Ronald L. Kam, Daniel Barter, Xiaowei Xie, Tingzheng Hou, Shyam Dwaraknath, Samuel M. Blau, and Kristin A. Persson.
21st International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (Invited Poster).
Towards a Mechanistic Explanation for Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formation in Lithium-Ion Batteries.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Ronald L. Kam, Daniel Barter, Julian Self, Xiaowei Xie, Tingzheng Hou, Shyam Dwaraknath, Samuel M. Blau, and Kristin A. Persson.
241st Electrochemical Society Meeting.
GPS for the SEI: Charting Electrochemical Mechanisms with Reaction Networks.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Samuel M. Blau, and Kristin A. Persson.
241st Electrochemical Society Meeting.
Automatic Generation of Computational Reaction Networks for Unbiased Exploration of Chemical Pathways.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Samuel M. Blau, Xiaowei Xie, Brandon Wood, Hetal Patel, Shyam Dwaraknath, and Kristin A. Persson.
MRS Spring/Fall Meeting & Exhibit.
A Robust Computational Framework for High-Throughput Density Functional Theory Calculations for Electrochemical Application.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Samuel M. Blau, Brandon Wood, Shyam Dwaraknath, and Kristin A. Persson.
PRiME (ECS, ECSJ, & KECS Joint Meeting).
Identifying Diels-Alder Reactions for Aqueous Thermal Storage Using Density Functional Theory.
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith, Peiyuan Yu, Anubhav Jain, and Ravi Prasher.
MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit.