A PDF version of my CV can be found here.
- Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) (2023)
- Advisor: Professor Kristin Aslaug Persson
- Thesis: “On the Exploration of Electrochemical Reaction Cascades”
- M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, UC Berkeley (2021)
- B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Columbia University (2019)
- Minor: Sustainable Engineering
Research experience
- (Incoming) Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) (2025 -)
- Carnegie Bosch Institute Fellow, CMU (2024 - )
- Advisor: Rachel Kurchin
- Postdoctoral Fellow, CMU (2024)
- Advisor: Gabe dos Passos Gomes
- Graduate Student Researcher, UC Berkeley/LBNL (2019 - 2023)
- Advisor: Kristin Aslaug Persson
- Cell Modeling Intern, Tesla Motors (2023)
- Undergraduate Student Researcher, LBNL (2018-2019)
- Advisor: Anubhav Jain
- Lead Undergraduate Researcher, Columbia University (2016-2019)
- Advisor: Irving P. Herman
Teaching experience
- Carnegie Mellon University (2025)
- Instructor, “Algorithms and Data Science for Chemical Engineers”
- Carnegie Mellon University (2024)
- Guest Lecturer, “Data Science In the Chemical Sciences”
- University of California Berkeley (2022)
- Graduate Student Instructor, “General Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis”
- Evaluation: median 7.0/7.0; mean 6.5/7.0
- Materials Project Workshop (2020)
- Instructor, “Pymatgen Foundations”
- Columbia University (2018)
- Course Assistant, “Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, and Statistical Mechanics”
Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Reviewer, Institute of Physics (2025)
- Carnegie Bosch Institute Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University (2024)
- President’s Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University (2024, declined)
- Pre-faculty Workshop Participant, NextProf Nexus (2023)
- 1st Prize, Winton-Kavli Research Pitch Competition (2023)
- 1st Prize, Innovation Expo, Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative Energy Summit (2023)
- Battery Student Slam Winner, 241st Electrochemical Society Meeting (2022)
- Philomathia Graduate Student Fellowship, Kavli Energy Nanoscience Institute (2022)
- Honorable Mention, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (2020)
- Honorable Mention, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (2019)
- Frank McQuiston Fellowship, UC Berkeley Department of Materials Science and Engineering (2019)
- Clarendon Fund Scholarship, University of Oxford (2019, declined)
- Magna Cum Laude, Columbia University (2019)
- Tau Beta Pi, New York Alpha Chapter (2019)
- Francis B. F. Rhodes Prize, Columbia University (2019)
- King’s Crown Leadership Excellence Award for Civic Responsibility, Columbia University (2019)
Resources and Funding
- Toyota Research Institute Synthesis Advanced Research Challenge (2024 - 2026)
- Award type: Funding
- Role: Lead PI
- Total award amount: $500,000
- National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot (2025 - 2026)
- Award type: High-performance computing allocation
- Role: Lead PI
- Total award amount: 17,500 GPU-hours, 380,000 CPU-hours
- NSF Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services Support (ACCESS) (2024 - 2025)
- Award type: High-performance computing allocation
- Role: Lead PI
- Total award amount: 750,000 ACCESS credits
- Schrodinger Inc. (2020 - 2024)
- Award type: Partnership
- Role: Initiated partnership, lead point of contact
- Total award amount: In kind, valued at $5,517,000
- High-Performance Computing, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2021 - 2023)
- Award type: High-performance computing allocation
- Role: Contributor
- Total award amount: 5,248,000 node-hours
- Energy Research Computing Allocations Process (ERCAP), National Energy Research Supercomputing Center (NERSC) (2020 - 2023)
- Award type: High-performance computing allocation
- Role: Contributor
- Total award amount: 325,000 node-hours
Contributed Reviews
- 2025: The Journal of Physical Chemistry
- 2024: The Journal of Open Source Software (x2), Scientific Data, Digital Discovery, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Chemical Science
- 2023: ACS Nano, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, npj Computational Materials
- 2022: ACS Energy Letters, The Journal of Open Source Software
Organized Symposia and Workshops
- Chemical reaction networks, retrosynthesis, and reaction prediction, ACS Fall Meeting (2025)
- Symposium on Responsible and Sustainable AI (ReS AI), Carnegie Bosch Institute (2025)
- Kavli Career Development Workshop, UC Berkeley (2023)
Leadership and Service
- DisabledInSTEM Mentorship Program (2025 - )
- Meet regularly with disabled scientists and engineers to discuss disability, social justice, professional development, and academics
- Organize and participate in group activities to build community
- Current Role: Mentor
- UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly (2022 - 2023)
- Advocate on behalf of materials science graduate students
- Develop policies and legislation to promote the well-being of UC Berkeley graduate students
- Previous roles: Delegate
- UC Berkeley Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Student Council (2020 - 2023)
- Advocate to department administration and faculty for issues of importance to graduate students
- Coordinate anti-racist reading groups in collaboration with UC Berkeley College of Chemistry
- Organize events to build community among materials science graduate students
- Previous roles: Vice-President Social Chair
- Faculty Search Committee, UC Berkeley Department of Materials Science and Engineering (2020, 2021, 2022)
- Succeeded in hiring candidate Xiaoyu (Rayne) Zheng for the position of Associate Professor
- Previous roles: Member
- CalACS College Application and Professional Support (CAPS) (2020 - 2021)
- Participate in weekly workshops with high school students to improve professional skills
- Develop long-term mentoring relationships with students from underprivileged backgrounds
- Previous roles: Mentor
- Interstitials Mentorship Program (2020)
- Led peer-to-peer mentorship program for materials science community
- Previous roles: Co-Director, Mentor
- Columbia University Engineers Without Borders (CU-EWB) (2015 - 2019)
- Designed and implemented solar micro-grids for rural communities in the Teso Sub-Region of Uganda
- Previous roles: Engineering Mentor, President, Program Manager, Director of Grants, Program Liaison, Director of Operations
- Columbia Educational Simulations (CESIMS) (2016 - 2018)
- Trained 25 student delegates at The Brooklyn Latin School for local and regional debate conferences
- Led lessons and simulations on public speaking, history, and international affairs
- Previous roles: Academic Advisor